‘Back to normal’ is a basic human need in the aftermath of a crisis. It can be seen as an attempt to regain a seemingly lost normality by selected and controlled measures.
defined as trying to get back to a lost normality by applying selected, controlling actions.
However, a look at past crisis situations suggests that the previous status cannot simply be reconstructed. New sets of perceptions, structures and narratives of ‘normality’ come into existence, which leads to several questions: How did they develop? Who was involved in the decision-making process? And how influential and substantial were these changes?
All these topics will be in the focus of an online conference organized by the Institute for Franconian History (Thurnau) from October 19th to 20th 2020.

The conference aims to demonstrate lasting social, political, and economic changes caused by crises and to gather insight into perceptions of ‘normality’ over a wide range of periods and contexts. Additionally, we want to examine the spectrum of measures that have been tried – successfully or unsuccessfully – in the aftermath of crises.

Proposed contributions should focus on one or more of the following questions:

- How did narratives of ‘normality’ change by crises?
- To what extent did existing structures, activities and processes transform due to a crisis? How long did they last and how persistent have they been?
- In what way did crises expedite, inhibit, disrupt, or end processes already going on?
- What protagonists and what institutions participated in surmounting a crisis? Was there an evolution of new structures carrying responsibility?
- What circumstances laid the ground for actually defining a situation as a crisis? How did the awareness of being in a crisis establish?
- Did historic examples of rating and finally overcoming crises play a role?
- Can we even state regular patterns of establishing new normality?

On the first day, we will open up the topic on a transregional level without any specific local or chronological focus. Thus, topics from European and Non-European contexts are welcome (conference language will be English on that day). The second day will focus on case studies for the Franconian area (conference language will be German).

The Institute plans to publish the contributions in a digital format.

Organizational matters:
Contributions should not exceed 20 minutes. Please send your proposal, including an abstract (2.000 characters including spaces), a short academic CV and your contact address to Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.. Deadline for submission of proposals is July 23th, 2020.
Postgraduates are explicitly encouraged to submit their own individual papers.

The online conference is going to use a ‘Zoom’-platform. Conference languages are English (day 1) and German (day 2).

The conference team will select proposals and inform applicants by mid-August 2020. Participants will receive all access information in due time before the conference.

By submitting your proposal, you agree to the use of your contact data for further communication and organizational matters during the event.

Institut für Fränkische Landesgeschichte
Prof. Dr. Martin Ott
Marktplatz 1
95349 Thurnau

+49 (0)9228 9960535

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Six (6) Undergraduate Merit Scholarships 2020 by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece .The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens offers six (6) Merit Scholarships of the amount of Eur 10,000 each, to students who wish to pursue the “BA program in the Archaeology, History, and Literature of Ancient Greece”, starting in fall 2020. Scholarships' application starting date is May 19, 2020, the closing date is June 30, 2020 at 24:00 (Greece local time: UTC/GMT +3 hours) and results will be announced by July 10, 2020 ( https://baag.uoa.gr/scholarships/ )

This four-year BA program is taught in English and is devoted to the study of Greek Antiquity. Aimed at non-EU students exclusively, it offers a unique opportunity to study the culture of ancient Greece with on-site study of archaeological monuments and sites, such as the Athenian Acropolis and the Parthenon, Delphi and Olympia.

We also welcome University Students for one-year studies at the BA program during the academic year 2020-21. University students will also have the opportunity to enroll to additional, special courses or to regular courses of the School of Philosophy. For information about tuition fees and requirements please contact: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

Admissions criteria and application for the program: https://baag.uoa.gr
For more information you may contact:
email: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.
Phone +30 210 727 7683

The 2019-2020 academic year has now come to a close and we believe it ended successfully, even exceeding expectations given the extraordinary disruption caused by COVID-19 pandemic. Our University has already responded to the coronavirus ensuring that no student has been educationally disadvantaged by the pandemic; students, faculty and staff worked diligently and creatively to ensure that teaching, learning and research occurred in ways consistent with standards and expectations of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. We are proud that Greece’s response to the coronavirus pandemic has so far been “a rare coronavirus success story” as the UK’s Financial Times has recently reported since Greece took early and drastic action. Moreover, we are strongly encouraged by the MIT’s optimistic forecast for the course of the epidemic in Greece, which according to its Delphi AI model, no particular increase in COVID 19 cases is expected in the summer, even without measures being taken. Neverthelss, we are ready in case contingency plans are ever again required, including options for studying remotely, which will be confirmed if they become necessary.
Thank you for your trust in us as you plan your future studies.


У 2020 році завершують навчання здобувачі за освітнім рівнем “магістр”, чиї роботи в обов’язковому порядку проходили перевірку за допомогою системи виявлення та запобігання академічного плагіату – Unicheck. Перевірка продемонструвала, що переважна більшість здобувачів історичного факультету дотримується принципів академічної доброчесності.

Всі роботи, що пройшли перевірку та виносяться на публічний захист, оприлюднюються в Репозитарії академічних текстів історичного факультету.

Роботи студентів кафедри історії стародавнього світу та середніх віків

Клименко Дмитро Костянтинович – Ганза та її роль в економічному і суспільно – політичному житті Німеччини XII – XV ст.

Кумінова Катерина Андріївна – Образ мудрого варвара в античній літературі ІІ-ІІІ ст.

Михайленко Анна Олегівна – Генеза і розвиток англійського парламентаризму у XIII – на початку XIV ст.

Откидач Олексій Сергійович – Іконографія ацтекського бога Тескатліпоки за мезоамериканськими кодексами та археологічними джерелами

Скульбоденко Артем Миколайович – Візантійська тактика і стратегія на східному фронтирі у період правління Никифора ІІ Фоки (963 – 969 рр.)

Тюкавіна Васіліса Сергіївна – Захоплення Теночтітлану та падіння держави ацтеків

Янауер Мечислав Мирославович – Конфронтація між Римською та Константинопольською церквами наприкінці V – на початку VI ст. та її суспільно-політичні наслідки

Перейти в Репозитарій можна за посиланням.

Musea Brugge Research School

Musea Brugge Research School

28 – 30 November, 2020 & 20 – 22 February, 2021


The Flemish research centre for the arts in the Burgundian Netherlands is organising the fourth edition of itsmuseum research school in 2020-2021. The innovative formula of the Musea Brugge Research School provides participants with the opportunity to delve into selected works of art from the collections and introduces various
research methodologies that help in understanding and interpreting art and its context. The research school presents workshops and lectures on historiography, methodology, technical art history, and archival research, as well as possibilities for extensive study and ample discussions in the museum during closing hours. Various
experts, both from Musea Brugge and other institutions are invited to present lectures and discussions. The moderator for both three-day sessions will be Prof. Dr. Maximiliaan Martens, Ghent University, and co-curator of Van Eyck. An optical revolution, Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent, 2020.

The research school targets art history students at the BA or MA level who have a strong interest in Netherlandish art and who intend to embark on a career in the field. The research school will take place in Bruges on 28-30 November 2020 and 20-22 February 2021 and consists of two three-days sessions. The first session will offer the participants an occasion to study the objects of the collections in depth and to discuss various relevant aspects of 15th and 16th century Flemish art. During the second session in February contributions of the participants, based on the results of the first session, will be presented and discussed among the docents and participants.

Participation to the Musea Brugge Research School is free but students must take care of their travel and lodging expenses. Students are expected to participate in both three-day sessions. Three lunches and two dinners are included in each session. There are 12 places available. Students from all universities are eligible to apply.
Students must be able to follow and hold a discussion in English. Interested students should send a motivation letter in English and a CV to Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. by 12 June 2020. They will be notified of a place in the research school by 29 June 2020.

Important message regarding COVID-19: Musea Bruges is aware that organising international events and international travel and may not yet be allowed by fall 2020. We follow all government-issues ordinances concerning COVID-19. In the event that restrictions will be extended, we will cancel the MBRS. Selected participants will be notified of this by September 3rd at the latest. Musea Brugge will not provide compensation for individually occurred costs. Participants will be offered a place in the MBRS 2022-23 if so desired.



Відео онлайн-презентації про особливості вступу до магістратури на освітню програму "Американістика та європейські студії".
Спікер: Віктор Володимирович Ставнюк, завідувач кафедри історії стародавнього світу та середніх віків історичного факультету.
  • Факультет
  • Університет
  • Адреса
    Україна, 01601, Київ,
    Вул. Володимирська 60,
    Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, історичний факультет, кафедра історії стародавнього світу та середніх віків (ауд. 353).
  • Телефон
    +38 (044) 239 32 75
  • Е-mail

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